TH#6 (Coed) » Action #1

Ottawa Thursdays Indoor

C18+ May-Aug 2018
Ottawa, Ontario   Country
E. Ulczak (SPARTA): 3-goal performance against Untouchable Eagles!
Morgan Lewis (SPARTA) scores 5 goals against Untouchable Eagles!
SPARTA wins TH#6 Coed (May-Aug 2018) - Intermediate Playoffs!
S. Dziarski (Net Six and Chill FC) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against TBD!
A. Pozzebon (50 Shades of Pink) scores 3 goals against SPARTA!
Morgan Lewis (SPARTA) scores 4 goals against 50 Shades of Pink!
A. Kabangu (SPARTA): 3-goal performance against 50 Shades of Pink!
A. Foley (TBD) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Net Six and Chill FC!
A. Nazerally (SPARTA) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Strikers FC!
Morgan Lewis (SPARTA) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Strikers FC!
C. Beattie (SPARTA) scores 3 goals against Strikers FC!