CoEd7#16 (Coed) » Action #1

Co-Ed 7s Turf League

C18+ Jun-Nov 2016
Toronto, Ontario   Country
Royal Gooses wins CoEd7#16 Coed (Jun-Nov 2016) - Thursday - Central Tech - Rec!
D. Bansema (Royal Gooses) scores 5 goals against XTSC Divers!
J. Clelland added a new photo (CoEd7#16):
B. Lui (Foundry FC) scores 3 goals against Sons of Pitches!
B. Ngosiok (Sons of Pitches) scores 3 goals against Foundry FC!
M. Morgan (Foundry FC) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Sons of Pitches!
C. Fong (Foundry FC): 3-goal performance against FDD United!
J. Clelland added a new photo (CoEd7#16):
S. Tako added a new photo (CoEd7#16):