HELP » Availability

This is a quick overview of the event availability system.

How does it work?

First look for these icons:

If you click one of these icons, a popup will appear describing the availability options:

Players, coaches, referees or other partcipants are expected to set their availability for upcoming events such games, practices, pickup games and more.

How does it help?

For a team manager

This helps find last minute recruits if not enough players can make the game. Enjoy having enough players and say goodbye to those game forfeit fees.

Team members may receive a useful 'next game report' (usually 5 days before every game) describing the next opponent, game time, location, expected attendance and fun stats.

If some players have not set their availability 48 hours before the game, they may receive a 'game reminder' in an individual e-mail.

For a league manager

This helps to track the attendance of game staff such as referees, time keepers and to promply find replacements.

For an organizer of pickup games

This helps to know how many people are expected to attend the event and re-schedule it if needed.

For a player

This means having a great time with friends. You'll always have enough players to play!

What if some players don't want to join GOL?

No problem, a team manager can set the availability for any player on his team.
Be sure to give it a try, teams love it!

If you have ideas for improvement, let us know.