A - Récréatif
15 matchs joués
Montreal, Quebec Pays
L. Zuckerman (STARBLAZERS): performance de 31-points vs. SUPER SPANK!
P. Saratsiotis (STARBLAZERS): performance de 42-points vs. HYE FLYERS!
P. Saratsiotis (STARBLAZERS): performance de 25-points vs. THE PRODUCTION!
A. Librati (STARBLAZERS): performance de 31-points vs. GLOBETROTTERS!
A. Librati (STARBLAZERS): performance de 29-points vs. JEDI BALLERS!
A. Librati (STARBLAZERS): performance de 29-points vs. THE PRODUCTION!
G. Amar (STARBLAZERS): performance de 25-points vs. BUCKETS!