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Maroon 7 C18+
A - Recreational
116 games played
Ottawa, Ontario
B. Patmore
Maroon 7
performance against Los Portunese Vikings!
R. Johnson
Maroon 7
) scores
3 goals
against Los Portunese Vikings!
B. Macdonald
Maroon 7
) scores
3 goals
against Nat & The Wookies!
K. Bilmer
Maroon 7
) scores
4 goals
against Grass Stains!
B. Patmore
Maroon 7
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Grass Stains!
B. Macdonald
Maroon 7
performance against Nat & The Wookies!
S. Dziarski
Maroon 7
) gets
1 hat trick
(4 goals) against 50 Shades of Pink!
S. Dziarski
Maroon 7
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Junkyard Dogs!
Maroon 7 and a Half changes their name to Maroon 7
Net Six and Chill FC changes their name to Maroon 5 and a Half
B. Patmore
Maroon 7
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Feedbag!
S. Dziarski
Net Six and Chill FC
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against TBD!
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
3 goals
against Junkyard Dogs!
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
4 goals
against Individuals!
B. Dekleer
Net Six and Chill FC
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Aztlan!
Net Six and Chill FC
Coed (Nov-Feb 2018) - Intermediate
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
3 goals
against Out of the Blue!
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill FC
performance against Sexy Orchipexy!
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill FC
) gets
1 hat trick
(4 goals) against 50 Shades of Pink!
Net Six and Chill FC
Coed (Sep-Nov 2017) - Intermediate
A. Bassett
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
3 goals
against Balzac!
S. Johnson
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
4 goals
against Saxons of the North!!
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
4 goals
against Saxons of the North!!
B. Macdonald
Net Six and Chill FC
) scores
3 goals
against JFC!
J. Bouwman
Net Six and Chill FC
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against JFC!
Net Six and Chill changes their name to Net Six and Chill FC
Klompen FC changes their name to Net Six and Chill
B. Patmore
Net Six and Chill
) scores
3 goals
against ABCDE FC!
Net Six and Chill
Coed (Mar-May 2017) - Rec A Playoffs