Flying Geese C18+

A - Recreational
10 games played
Montreal, Quebec Country
D. Duquette (Flying Geese): 3-goal performance against Bambalooka!
S. Trudelle (Flying Geese) scores 3 goals against Bambalooka!
S. Fricke (Flying Geese) scores 3 goals against The Kesh FC!
D. Duquette (Flying Geese): 6-goal performance against The Kesh FC!
S. Benjelloun (Flying Geese): 4-goal performance against No Name!
S. Fricke (Flying Geese) scores 3 goals against The Dipps!
S. Benjelloun (Flying Geese) scores 4 goals against Team Colmenares!
S. Benjelloun (Flying Geese) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against The Kesh FC!
S. Benjelloun (Flying Geese): 3-goal performance against Bambalooka!
S. Trudelle (Flying Geese) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Froot Bats!
S. Fricke (Flying Geese): 3-goal performance against Trapezoidal Cabbages!
S. Benjelloun (Flying Geese): 6-goal performance against Trapezoidal Cabbages!