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Shot in the Dark C18+
A - Recreational
104 games played
Toronto, Ontario
Shot in the Dark
CoEd 6
Coed (Jun-Sep 2019) - Sunday - Jesse Ketchum
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
performance against Game of Throw-ins!
Shot in the Dark
CoEd 6
Coed (Mar-Jul 2019) - Sunday - Jesse Ketchum
E. Brooks
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Zebra Muscle!
E. Brooks
Shot in the Dark
) scores
3 goals
against Hangover 96!
E. Brooks
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Game of Throw-ins!
N. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
performance against Game of Throw-ins!
E. Brooks
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Hangover 96!
Shot in the Dark
CoEd 6
Coed (Jun-Sep 2018) - Sunday - Jesse Ketchum Playoffs
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
performance against Biers on Piers!
M. Darcy
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against XTSC Tigers!
Shot in the Dark
CoEd 6
Coed (Apr-Jul 2018) - Sunday - Jesse Ketchum Playoffs
E. Brooks
Shot in the Dark
performance against Biers on Piers!
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
) scores
3 goals
against Shot Disturbers!
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(4 goals) against Messi Situation!
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
) scores
3 goals
against XTSC Sharp Shooters!
O. Catenazzi
Shot in the Dark
performance against Messi Situation!
S. O'brien
Shot in the Dark
) scores
3 goals
against Just Messi!
Shot in the Dark
Coed (Jan-Apr 2016) - Monday - Rosedale
S. Toreson
Shot in the Dark
performance against Lazy Pandas!
L. Brown
Shot in the Dark
performance against Creme de la Creme!
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
) scores
3 goals
against Let's Just Have Some Fun (White)!
M. Sutton
Shot in the Dark
) scores
4 goals
against #SQUADGOALS!
P. Williamson
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Creme de la Creme!
P. Williamson
Shot in the Dark
) scores
3 goals
against Creme de la Creme!
M. Skea
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against AAFC!
Shot in the Dark
Coed (Aug-Jan 2015) - Monday - Rosedale
S. Toreson
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Let's Just Have Some Fun (White)!
G. Neri
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Dumpster Fire (Orange)!
S. Toreson
Shot in the Dark
) gets
1 hat trick
(3 goals) against Dumpster Fire (Orange)!