Blades of Wood M (University)

D - Recreational
84 games played
Montreal, Quebec Country
Z. Kezirian (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Legalize It!!
J. Grant (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Morning After Pilsners!
J. Grant (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Footless Flyers!
M. Lepage (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Radmen!
R. Church (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against Wimpy Ducks!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against Footless Flyers!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Sebastian Hickman & Friends!
J. Milligan (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against Footless Flyers!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Legalize It!!
J. Milligan (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against McGill Medmen!
M. Lepage (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against McGill Medmen!
J. Milligan (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Sebastian Hickman & Friends!
Blades of Wood wins University I-Hockey#3 (Sep-Dec 2015) - Open D - Recreational!
M. Lepage (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Action Potentials!
J. Milligan (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Hackers!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood): 4-goal performance against Ten Left Wingers!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Stoners!
F. Voisard (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against Legalize It!!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Footless Flyers!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Legalize It!!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against The Toilets!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against Action Potentials!
J. Milligan (Blades of Wood): 3-goal performance against Five Year Five Holes!
J. Milligan (Blades of Wood) scores 3 goals against Los Pollos Hermanos!
A. O'reilly (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Action Potentials!
C. Marion (Blades of Wood) scores 4 goals against Cold Fusion!
A. O'reilly (Blades of Wood) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Flo Tracys!