Shooting Promoters (OPB) C (University)

A - Recreational
21 games played
Montreal, Quebec Country
R. Stacey (Shooting Promoters (OPB)) gets 1 hat trick (5 goals) against Team X!
J. Monlong (Shooting Promoters (OPB)) scores 5 goals against Team X!
Shooting Promoters changes their name to Shooting Promoters (OPB)
Promoters changes their name to Shooting Promoters
Promoters wins University Soc 5v5#2 (Jan-Apr 2014) - Co-Rec D - Recreational!
J. Lopez (Promoters) scores 3 goals against Rez & Cie!
J. Lopez (Promoters) scores 3 goals against Shooters!
J. Manry (Promoters): 3-goal performance against Pipettes Never Walk Alone!
J. Lopez (Promoters) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against SPiRE!