THU#3 (Coed) » Action #1

Thursday Winter 2016-17 Season

C18+ Dec-Mar 2017
Ottawa, Ontario   Country
Ineedasub FC wins THU#3 Coed (Dec-Mar 2017) - Rec A!
P. Boivin (The All-Stars) scores 3 goals against Hammerheads!
A. Bellerive (The All-Stars) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Hammerheads!
S. Tracey (Hammerheads): 8-goal performance against The All-Stars!
H. Zayed (Sexy Orchipexy) scores 3 goals against Fluorescent Platypuses!
I. Alghazali (Fluorescent Platypuses): 4-goal performance against Gunners!
A. X. (Ineedasub FC): 4-goal performance against Sexy Orchipexy!
A. Bellerive (The All-Stars) scores 4 goals against Ineedasub FC!
K. X. (Ineedasub FC) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against The All-Stars!
C. X. (Hammerheads): 4-goal performance against Fluorescent Platypuses!
J. X. (Red Chili Peppers): 3-goal performance against Ineedasub FC!
A. Bellerive (The All-Stars): 3-goal performance against Hammerheads!
S. Tracey (Hammerheads): 4-goal performance against Sexy Orchipexy!
I. X. (Fluorescent Platypuses): 3-goal performance against Ineedasub FC!