Ontario » Ottawa » Petrie Island Court #2 #1
795 Tweddle Rd
Ottawa ON  K4A 3P4
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Petrie Island Court #2

Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)
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Past results (7)

Date & Time Home team Result Away team Location
Monday Aug 26
7:05 PM Ball Me Maybe 0:1 Result V Beg Indy 4 Petrie Island Court #2
6:15 PM Man Eating Banana Slugs 1:0 Result Ball Me Maybe Petrie Island Court #2
Monday Aug 19
7:05 PM Stranger Danger 0:1 Result Set for Life Petrie Island Court #2
6:15 PM Team [REDACTED] 1:0 Result The Pink Yetis Petrie Island Court #2
Monday Aug 12
7:05 PM RLTW 1:0 Result V Beg Indy 3 Petrie Island Court #2
6:15 PM Run Like The Winded 0:1 Result RLTW Petrie Island Court #2
Monday Jul 29
7:05 PM Non-Lethal Weapons 0:1 Result Adventist Youth Petrie Island Court #2


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