A - Récréatif
56 matchs joués
Montreal, Quebec Pays
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 34 points vs. WARRIORS!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 25-points vs. LA CITE!
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 25 points vs. LA CITE!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 26 points vs. SHOWTIME!
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 25-points vs. DIRK KNIGHT RISES!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 37-points vs. WARRIORS!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 28 points vs. COOL N ICE!
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 26-points vs. 4 DA SQUAW!
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 25 points vs. NOTHING BUT NETS!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 33-points vs. TSIKYBALL!
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 35 points vs. TSIKYBALL!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 30-points vs. MADNESS!
S. Gatti (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 31 points vs. LRM!
J. Heitner (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 29-points vs. LOS POLLOS LOCOS!
M. Tajfel (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 25 points vs. LOS POLLOS LOCOS!
J. Cola (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 25-points vs. THE BALLFATHERS!
E. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 27-points vs. BALL BUSTERS!
J. Heitner (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 32 points vs. BALL BUSTERS!
Z. Schneiderman (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 26-points vs. 90s LEGENDS!
J. Heitner (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 27-points vs. 90s LEGENDS!
E. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 27-points vs. THE BALLFATHERS!
C. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 31-points vs. THE BALLFATHERS!
E. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 31-points vs. D BLOCK!
E. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 26 points vs. NEUBARTH!
E. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER) marque 30 points vs. DADOLLE!
J. Heitner (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 29-points vs. DEMONS!
E. Berall (WEIS-HEITNER): performance de 26-points vs. DEMONS!